This material was developed with funding from the National Science Foundation
Ethics Challenge
Do not contribute to the spread of misinformation using computer technology
Consider the social impact of pragrams you develop
Always pay for software unless it is free and refrain from using pirated copies
Do not claim ownership on a work which is the output os someone else’s intellect
Be respectful and courteous when using computers for communication
Do not use the computer in ways that may harm other people
Do not spy on another person's computer data
Do not use computer technology to cause interference in other users’ work
Do not use computer technology to steal information
Do not use someone else’s computer resources unless granted authorization
The following scenarios describe behavior that violates the Code of Ethics adopted by your employer. For each scenario, identify the code being violated.
Be respectful and courteous to others when using computers for communication
Do not spy on another person’s computer data
Select the Code of Ethics being violated
An employee of the organization calls you, a member of the network security team, and is angry that he cannot reach his email or work-related documents on his smart phone after changing his password. He is rude and accuses the security team of incompetence
Do not use computer technology to steal information
Do not claim ownership on a work which is the output of someone else’s intellect
Consider the social impact of programs you develop
Always pay for software unless it is free and refrain from using pirated copies
Point Total:
The security team planned an active scan of the organization’s network. The tools used resulted in disruptions of network services and the inability to access user network data.
The head of the plant manufacturing team sent out an email to all staff encouraging them to purchase plant safety t-shirts. The email stated that anyone purchasing a t-shirt will be eligible for a half-day vacation on the last Friday of the month, but they did not yet get permission from HR.
A coworker is upset with another employee and posted embarrassing photos of that employee on social media.
You were asked to install a new application on the director’s laptop computer. During the installation, you opened a folder name Employee Reviews.
As the lead of the deveopment team, you developed a new application to help students master technical math skills. The app requires a system that has a high-end graphics card and an expensive processor.
Two of the development team members created an algorithm that simplifies the calculation of maintenance cycles for the plant robotic systems. You incorporated this algorithm into your project without letting them know.
The secretary in the marketing department let you use the company’s color photo printer to print out wedding pictures after everyone left for the day.
You installed a copy of a graphics program on your system that you got from a friend.
As a security consultant, you work with multiple marketing companies and have access to their systems and databases. A new client is willing to pay you for access to the ACME Corporation customer database.
You completed the quiz.